Lakker's Ian McDonnell aka Eomac wants to play at this years Bloc Festival and with this excellent mix he just may. Please favorite and listen to this ace mix. Tracklist is below listen here.
Pan Sonic - Pan Finale
Actress - Machine And Voice
Shed Keep - Time
Cosmin Trg - Tower Block
Autechre - Pce Freeze 2.8i
Ill Blu - Dragon Pop
Cooly G - Phat Si
Zomby - The Forest
Falty Dl - Because You
James Blake - Cmyk (Loop)
Commix - Be True (Burial Remix)
Kangding Ray - Pruitt Igoe (Ben Frost Demolition)
The Panamax Project - Maximum Width
T++ - Dig
Joe - Level Crossing
Bawan - Iddy
Redinho - Pitter Patter