This is a feature that will hopefully be on these pages a lot more going forward. We have a huge amount of talent in Dublin and I want to do as much as I can to try and highlight some artists that you may or may not have heard about. First up is someone who was in touch recently and I must say that I was very impressed with the level of production in his tracks. For someone who has only been making beats for a year he's made huge progress in a short amount of time. The artist in question is Shatterfreak. Hes certainly someone who is taking the bull by the horns aswel. He has an ep finished and ready for release on new Irish Imprint Spiralking and come December you can find him running his new night Stomp-O-Rama in the Odeon. Great to see some genuine talent coming out and getting involved. I have for you today a mini mix that Shatterfreak was kind enough to put together especially for the blog showcasing some of his upcoming material.
Shatterfreak - Detrublin Mini Mix
Shatterfreak - Now Iv Got Your Fear
Shatterfreak - Bat Country
Shatterfreak - Mario's Nightmare
Shatterfreak & Diakon - In Sickness & In Stealth
Shatterfreak - A Time Of Crisis
He also has plenty of tracks up on his Souncloud page that are well worth checking out. Def one to watch.