Iv been revisiting a lot of my old records and cd's lately. Old Aux 88 and Dave Clarke mixes,Anthony Rother remixes, the good stuff. Electro, not the type played by 20 somethings with trendy barnetts, is prob my favourite genre and its a shame that there isnt a great deal of interest in it here in Dublin. Sure, theres people playing it, making it and promoting it but not to the level where you could go to a regular electro night week in week out. Might have to look into changing that. Rediscovered this track there yesterday, most people would remember I-F from their huge track, space invaders are smoking grass. This is a track of their album Fucking Consumer and listening back to the whole thing nearly every track on it is good, its hard to believe that its over 10 years old now, but like I said in my previous post, quality always stands the test of time.
I-F - Cry