Rediscoverd this whilst cleaning out an old hard drive. Brilliant mix of classic Underground Resistance and Tresor classics performed by Pacou as part of the Submerge Podcast series.
The Martian - Windwalker
UR - Living for the night
UR - The Theory
UR - First Galactic baptist church
The Vision - Gyroscopic
Galxy 2 Galxy - Timeline
The Deacon - Soulsaver
Scan 7 - Password Soul
Davina - Dont you want it
The Martian - Sun chaser
The Martian - Sex in zero gravity
The Martian - Star Dancer
UR - Fuel the fire
Suburban Knight - Infra red spectrum
UR - Particle shower
UR - Rain dance
UR - Seawolf
UR - Elimination
UR - Transition
Electric Soul - X Squared
UR - Logic Bomb
UR - Message to the majors
Remote - The Swarm
UR - The Illuminator
Aztec Mystic - Knights of the Jaguar (Mayday mix)
Pacou - UR Mix